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Through continuous innovation and development,we strive to provide customers with diversified one-stop service solutions



YOSEMITECH (YOSEMITE TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD) is a leading company and brand in the manufacturing and supply of water quality sensors,due to rapid development since its establishment in 2013.We have been dedicated to the R&D, production, and sales of water quality sensors, testing instruments, and monitoring system platforms. We havelaunched multi-parameter water quality sensor, dissolved oxygen...



How Ammonium Sensors Help in Measuring Water Contamination

How Ammonium Sensors Help in Measuring Water Contamination

One of the key parameters in water quality monitoring is the measurement of ammonium (NH4+) levels. Ammonium Sensors play a pivotal role in detecting and quanti···

What is COD and Why is it Crucial for Water Quality Monitoring?

One of the key indicators used to assess the organic pollution in water bodies is Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Understanding what COD is and its significance in water quality monitoring is essential for anyone involved in environmental management, water treatment, or conservation efforts.

What is an Oil in Water Sensor? And How Does it Work?

Oil in water sensor is one of the common water quality monitoring sensors. This article will comprehensively explain the oil in water sensor from what is oil in water, why we should monitor, types of oil in water sensors, working principle and application.

Understanding Turbidity Sensors: The Key to Measuring Water Quality

This article will delve into the fundamentals of turbidity sensors, commonly referred to as turbidity meters, highlighting their significance in various applications, ranging from environmental studies to industrial processes.

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