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How to Measure TDS of Water?

Update time:2024-10-08

Water is an essential resource for life, and its quality directly impacts human health, agriculture, and industry. One critical aspect of water quality is the concentration of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), which refers to the inorganic salts and small particles dissolved in water. Measuring TDS is crucial for ensuring that water is safe for consumption and suitable for various applications. This blog will delve into the methods used to measure TDS, the factors affecting these measurements, the applications of TDS measurement, and conclude with a summary and frequently asked questions.

What is Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)?

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids. It is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid in molecular, ionized, or micro-granular (colloidal sol) suspended form. TDS is typically expressed in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).


In the context of water quality, TDS refers to the amount of dissolved solids in the water, which can include minerals, salts, metals, and other ions. Common constituents that contribute to TDS include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates.


High levels of TDS in water can affect its taste, odor, and suitability for various applications. For example, water with high TDS may taste salty or brackish and can be unsuitable for drinking, agricultural, or industrial uses. Conversely, very low TDS levels can indicate that the water is overly pure or devoid of essential minerals.

Methods to Measure TDS

TDS Meters

TDS meters are the most common tools used to measure the concentration of dissolved solids in water. These devices work on the principle of conductivity, as dissolved ions increase the water's ability to conduct electricity. 

Calibration: Before using a TDS meter, it must be calibrated using a solution with a known TDS value. This ensures accurate readings.

Measurement: Dip the TDS meter into the water sample. The meter will display the TDS level in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Maintenance: Regular cleaning and recalibration are necessary to maintain the accuracy of the TDS meter.

Conductivity Sensors

Conductivity meters are another tool used to measure TDS indirectly. These devices measure the electrical conductivity of water, which is then correlated to the TDS concentration.

Principle: The sensor applies a voltage to two electrodes in the water, measuring the current that flows. The higher the conductivity, the higher the TDS concentration.

Temperature Compensation: Since temperature affects conductivity, Yosemitech conductivity sensors have built-in temperature compensation to provide accurate readings.

Conversion: The conductivity value is then converted to TDS using a factor that depends on the type of dissolved solids present.

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Y521-A 4 Electrical Conductivity Sensor-Water Quality Sensor Manufacturer-Yosemitech (yosemitesensors.com)

Factors Affecting TDS Measurement

Environmental Factors

Temperature: As mentioned, temperature affects conductivity. Most modern meters compensate for temperature changes, but extreme temperatures can still affect accuracy.

pH Levels: The acidity or alkalinity of water can affect the dissolution of certain minerals, thereby influencing TDS levels.

Presence of Organic Matter: Organic compounds can interfere with conductivity readings, leading to inaccurate TDS measurements.

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Calibration and Maintenance

Calibration: Regular calibration with standard solutions is crucial for maintaining the accuracy of TDS meters.

Maintenance: Cleaning the electrodes and ensuring the meter is stored properly can prevent damage and ensure reliable readings.


Applications of TDS Measurement

Water Purification and Treatment

In water treatment plants, TDS measurement is used to monitor the effectiveness of purification processes. High TDS levels can indicate the need for additional filtration or treatment.



In agriculture, TDS measurements help in managing irrigation water quality. Plants require a specific range of TDS for optimal growth, and monitoring TDS helps in adjusting nutrient levels in the water.



Industrial applications, such as boiler feed water, cooling towers, and manufacturing processes, require strict control of TDS levels to prevent equipment damage and ensure product quality.



Measuring TDS is a critical aspect of water quality management. Whether for ensuring safe drinking water, optimizing agricultural practices, or maintaining industrial processes, accurate TDS measurements are essential. By understanding the methods and factors involved in TDS measurement, individuals and professionals can make informed decisions to maintain water quality.



Can You Determine Water Hardness From Conductivity or Total Dissolved Solids Measurements?

Water hardness is primarily caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium ions. While TDS measurements can give an indication of the overall dissolved solids in water, they do not specifically measure hardness. Conductivity meters can provide an indirect measure of hardness, as hard water conducts electricity better than soft water. However, for precise measurement of water hardness, specialized tests or meters that specifically measure calcium and magnesium ions are recommended.

Related articles:

Relationship between pH and TDS-Water Quality Sensor Manufacturer-Yosemitech (yosemitesensors.com)

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