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Handheld COD Sensor

Update time:2024-04-26

Yosemitech Handheld COD Sensor

The handheld COD sensor consists of two devices: handheld instrument + COD probe. Y600-A Handheld Instrument provides keyboard and backlight with comprehensive functions, simple operation and brief interface. The instrument is a portable device that can automatically recognize Yosemite's digital sensors including optical dissolved oxygen, 4-electronic conductivity, turbidity, chlorophyll, BGA, OIW and TSS ,and can measure, display, log. The microprocessor based meter can transmit USB signals and perform sensor calibration easily on a single platform.

UV254 COD sensor adopts highly reliable UVC LED for light absorption measurement. This proven technology provides reliable and accurate analysis of organic pollutants for water quality monitoring at low cost and low maintenance. With rugged design, and integrated turbidity compensation, it is an excellent solution for continuous monitoring of source water, surface water, municipal and industrial wastewaters.

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Benefits of Using Handheld COD Sensor:

Real-time Monitoring: Handheld COD sensors give fast data on water quality, allowing for real-time monitoring and quick reaction to pollution incidents. 

Portability and Convenience: These sensors are designed to be extremely portable, making them perfect for field use and on-site monitoring. Their compact size and lightweight construction make them easy to transport and utilize in a variety of settings, increasing convenience and flexibility.

Cost-Effective: they eliminate the requirement for laboratory analysis, which lowers the expenses of water quality monitoring. They also reduce turnaround times, making them a cost-effective choice for regular monitoring requirements.

Ease of Operation: Handheld COD sensors are user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and straightforward operation processes. 

High Accuracy and Reliability: These sensors are designed to deliver precise and consistent measurements. They frequently include automatic turbidity calibration and adjustment, resulting in accurate COD values.

Multiple Parameter Measurement: In addition to COD, they can also measure TOC (Total Organic Carbon), turbidity and temperature. This comprehensive examination offers a more precise understanding of water quality, allowing for more informed decision-making.

Significance of Measuring Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in Water and Wastewater

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) serves as a crucial metric in assessing water quality, both in natural bodies of water and wastewater. By measuring COD, you gain insights into the amount of organic compounds present, which directly reflects the level of pollutants.

Why is COD Important?

Indicator of Pollution Levels: COD measures the quantity of oxygen-consuming substances in the water. A high COD value indicates a significant presence of these substances, which means higher pollution levels.

Water Treatment Efficiency: In sewage treatment plants, monitoring COD at the inlet helps in evaluating the efficacy of the treatment process. If treatment is effective, COD levels will noticeably decrease from the inlet to the outlet.

Regulatory Compliance: Meeting environmental regulations requires maintaining COD within certain limits. Regular measurement ensures compliance and helps avoid potential fines and penalties.

What Does COD Indicate?

Organic and Inorganic Presence: A high COD value suggests a significant level of oxidizable pollutants, both organic (like plant material, human waste) and inorganic.

Water Pollution: It acts as an indicator of the potential pollution level of the water. Elevated COD levels generally reflect greater pollution.

Applications in Water Management

Industrial Monitoring: Industries often release wastewater with varying levels of pollutants. COD measurement enables these entities to adjust their processes to minimize environmental impact.

Natural Water Examination: Understanding COD in rivers, lakes, and oceans helps in assessing the ecological health of these water bodies, safeguarding aquatic life.

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