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How does ORP Sensor work?

Update time:2024-05-22

In the realm of water quality monitoring and analysis, ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) sensors play a pivotal role in water quality monitoring and and analysis. ORP stands for oxygen reduction potential, representing the overall redox properties of substances in an aqueous solution.

Oxidation Reduction Potential Meters are electrochemical devices that measure the ORP of a solution by detecting the voltage difference between a reference electrode and a measuring electrode. The higher the ORP value, the stronger the oxidizing property, and the lower the potential, the weaker the oxidizing property. A positive value of the potential indicates a certain degree of oxidation, and a negative value indicates a certain degree of reduction.

ORP meters find widespread applications in various industries, including wastewater treatment, swimming pool sanitation, aquaculture, and food and beverage production.  In wastewater treatment plants, ORP meters help in monitoring the effectiveness of oxidation processes and optimizing the dosage of oxidizing agents. In swimming pools, these sensors aid in maintaining the proper balance of chlorine and other sanitizers to ensure a safe and hygienic environment.

In conclusion, ORP sensors are essential tools used to measure the oxidation-reduction potential of solutions.

Y533-A digital ORP sensor (1).jpg

Related articles: https://www.yosemitesensors.com/industrynews/How-to-Calculate-the-ORP-of-Water.html


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