Welcome to Yosemite Technologies Co., Ltd


  • What is A Salinity Sensor?

    What is A Salinity Sensor?

    A salinity sensor​ is a device used to measure the salt concentration in a solution, typically in water. It determines the amount of dissolved salts present, which is an important parameter in various applications such as aquaculture, water quality monitoring, environmental research, and oceanography.
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  • What is a Turbidimeter?

    What is a Turbidimeter?

    Turbidity sensor, also known as turbidimeter, is a tool used to determine the turbidity level of tested water or solutions. A turbidity meter is an instrument with optical qualities resulting from light dispersion, which can be described as a ratio of light reflected to incident light. If all other variables are consta···
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  • Why is the dissolved oxygen sensor so important for aquaculture?

    Why is the dissolved oxygen sensor so important for aquaculture?

    Yosemitech has specially launched a dissolved oxygen sensor for aquaculture, adopting fluorescent materials independently developed by our self. No need for oxygen consumption, flow rate restrictions, electrolytes, maintenance, or calibration.
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  • Why do we need to calibrate water quality sensors

    Why do we need to calibrate water quality sensors

    Today, water quality is a major concern. One of the most common methods for is to utilize sensors that detect water parameters such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity.
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  • Application of Water Quality Sensors in Wastewater Treatment

    Application of Water Quality Sensors in Wastewater Treatment

    Wastewater treatment is indeed vital for environmental protection and public health, and monitoring water quality is a key aspect of this process. Water quality sensors play a crucial role in this monitoring by providing real-time data on various parameters.
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  • Top 10 Water Quality Monitoring Sensors Recommended

    Top 10 Water Quality Monitoring Sensors Recommended

    A water quality sensor is a device used to measure multiple parameters of water in order to assess its quality.
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  • What is an optical dissolved oxygen sensor?

    What is an optical dissolved oxygen sensor?

    ​Optical dissolved oxygen meter offer high accuracy, stability, and low maintenance, making them essential tools in various applications such as environmental monitoring, aquaculture, wastewater treatment, and industrial processes.
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  • What is a conductivity sensor?

    What is a conductivity sensor?

    The conductivity sensor measures the electrical conductivity in a solution, which is the solution's ability to conduct an electric current and is directly related to the concentration of ions. These sensors are widely used in water quality monitoring, industrial process control, and environmental monitoring.
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