Welcome to Yosemite Technologies Co., Ltd

Why Choose Yosemitech's Products?

Yosemite Technologies Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of water analysis instruments and sensors, integrating development and production together. Our main products include online, portable water quality analysis instruments. Since its establishment, we have focused on the development and production of water quality analysis instruments.

Yosemitech Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor and Meter Types

Yosemitech supply two types of Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor and one type of Handheld Multi parameter Water Quality Meter. Our multiparameter water quality sensor & meter price is affordable with high quality.

Application of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sensor

1. Online water quality analysis and monitoring of surface water and groundwater quality of river section, river, reservoir and so on. 

2. Internet of things, intelligent agriculture, online aquaculture monitoring. 

3. Water Quality real-time monitoring, red tide monitoring and early warning, blue-green algae monitoring and early warning, sudden pollution accident early warning, surface water quality investigation. 

4. Research projects. Investigation of pollution sources in the estuary, temporal and spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in aquaculture area, continuous and automatic monitoring in coastal waters. 


1. What is Online Multiparameter Water Quality Sensor?

Yosemitech multiparameter water quality meter with self-cleaning system is an easy solution for in-situ water quality monitoring for  rivers, lakes, streams, estuaries, or oceans. The wiper can effectively clean debris, bubbles and prevent  bio-fouling for extended instrument deployment. All calibration data is saved in sensor memory and the system supports sensor field calibrations and field exchange. Total of 7 parameters (6 sensors) can be measured simultaneously, which including DO, CT, Turbidity, pH, ORP, Chlorophyll, BGA, Oil-in-Water and NH4-N.

2. What are Five Parameters of Conventional Water Quality?

pH: Changes in pH in surface water quality affect the ability of algae to take up oxygen and the sensitivity of animals to food intake;

Conductivity: mainly measures the electrical conductivity of water and monitors the total ion concentration in the water body. Contains a variety of chemicals, heavy metals, impurities and so on a variety of conductive material total.

Dissolved oxygen: dissolved oxygen in surface water in addition to the usual water sulfide, nitrite, ferrous ions and other reducing substances consumed, but also by the respiration of microorganisms in the water as well as organic matter in the water by the oxidative decomposition of aerobic microorganisms consumed. Dissolved oxygen is an important indicator for surface water monitoring, and is an indication of whether the water body has the ability to self-purify.

Turbidity: The turbidity value is a visual reflection of the turbidity of the water body. Turbidity is mainly caused by the insoluble substances in the water, insoluble substances including sediment suspended in the water, corrosive substances, planktonic algae and colloidal particles. Reducing turbidity also reduces bacteria, coliform bacteria, viruses, cryptosporidium, iron, manganese, etc. in the water.

Temperture: Changes in surface water temperature can have a significant negative impact on aquatic wildlife, affecting biological growth and the rate at which fish and shrimp species feed, as well as the timing and efficiency of their reproduction.

3. What are the Multiparameter for Water Quality?

Multiparameter water quality meters measure a number of water quality parameters, including pH, orp, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, oil in water, blue green algae, chlorophyll, etc.

Videos about Yosemitech Multi parameter Water Quality Sensor



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