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How does a pH meter work and its applications?

Update time:2024-05-23

The pH value is one of the important indicators of water quality. The pH value is a crucial factor in assessing water quality as it reflects the acidity and alkalinity of the water.

Measuring principle of pH sensor

it measures the hydrogen ion concentration in the liquid, which is the hydrogen ion activity, and obtains the acidity and alkalinity value. The hydrogen ion activity of the measuring liquid causes a potential difference between the two sides of the thin glass film of the glass electrode. 

Y532-A digital pH sensor.jpg

Composition of pH sensor

The pH sensor consists of a glass electrode and a reference electrode. The glass electrode is composed of a glass support rod, a glass film, an internal reference solution, an internal reference electrode, an electrode cap and a wire. The reference electrode has a known and constant electrode potential, and calomel or silver/silver chloride electrodes are commonly used. Since the PH value is related to temperature, it is generally necessary to add a temperature electrode for temperature compensation to form a three-pole composite electrode.

Application of pH sensor

It can be widely used in online pH monitoring in sewage treatment plant inlet and outlet, sedimentation tank, biochemical reaction tank and other processes. In addition, it is also widely used in the municipal water supply industry, surface water, aquaculture, various industrial production process water and wastewater treatment process PH online monitoring.

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